Thursday, August 09, 2007

On August 7-8th Krista and I backpacked up the Lost Lake Trail and spent the night at Lost Lake in the Ascension and Ressurrection Range of the Kenai Mountains. Lucky for us the trail head is about 5 minutes away.

Ressurrection Bay from the Lost Lake Trail
Me on the Lost Lake Trail

Krista taking a rest

Approaching Lost Lake

Lost Lake

Enjoying No Bake Cheesecake (delicious!!!)

Kenai Mountains

Sunset? (actually the sun never really set)

Sunset over Lost Lake

Alpine meadow, featuring the Monks Hood Flower

Krista and I

Me and my backpack, with Tiehacker Pk in the background

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Some Alaska Adventures

Sweet view of the Kenai Mountains
Mount Ascension (5710')

My rope team of "attentive" students

My students on top of Mt. Ascension

Me on the summit of Ascension

SSD Couloir on Ressurrection Peak

Myself w/ the Ressurrection Glacier behind me

On the summit of Ressurrection (Solo Climb)

View of Ascension Glacier

Camp, with the nunataks of the Harding Icefield in the background

Pete and I trying our luck on the Kenai
Tying on a fly

Krista and I

Fishing and Rafting the Kenai